Martha Bowes registered the Bowes One-Name Study with the Guild of One-Name Studies and is volunteer administrator of the Bowes, Bowe, Related and Similar Surnames DNA Project. Special recognition goes to the following additional volunteer contributors in no particular order:
DNA Project Volunteer Co-Admins
General Research
- Our DNA PROJECT PARTICIPANTS who have gone the extra mile to help build a database of genetic data to help connect families and study surname patterns using this unique tool.
- MEMBERS OF THE GUILD OF ONE-NAME STUDIES for their vast pool of resources that provide a steady compass on the often bewildering journey of a one-name study.
- HOWARD MATHIESON of Surname Origins for his expertise in cartography and surname mapping.
- COUNTLESS INDIVIDUALS for sending in family information and research tidbits from far and wide.
England Research
- BRIAN BARTON contributed and continues our Durham, Yorkshire Bowes BMDs and Yorkshire Deviants BMDs spreadsheets for England.
- MEG WARD contributed and continues our North Yorkshire spreadsheet for England.
- TONY BOWES for focusing intensive research on the Bowes of Streatlam (ancestral to the Queen Mother) and their related lineages (ongoing) and for providing the Leeds Historical Society Extracts and the 1550-1800 Durham Bowes BMDs by Families and Parishes spreadsheet (also ongoing).
- HILARY BOASE, registrant of the Boase One-Name Study who has shared important background on this name to help clarify that Boase is not a variant of Bowes.
- The late RENNIE BOWE, and KATHLEEN BOWE, who have done extensive work on the English Bowe and have shared important background on this name to help clarify that English Bowe is not a variant of the English Bowes.
Ireland Research
- The late JEANE ROBINSON for her spreadsheet of over 4500 records. This is offline for copyright reasons, but I am able to consult it while stitching families together.
- JANE LYONS whose From-Ireland website I’ve only begun to familiarize myself with, but which is going to provide a large number of free-to-use references.
- STEPHEN BOWES and RYAN BOAS for sharing their extensive work on the Scottish Ulster Bowes.
Scotland Research
- DAVE BOWES and ELIZABETH BOGGS for sharing their extensive work on descendants of Alexander Bowe, Battle of Dunbar.
- STEPHEN BOWES and RYAN BOAS for sharing their extensive work on the Scottish Ulster Bowes.
South Africa Research
- IAN BOWES for sharing his knowledge about South African Bowes and genealogy resources.